Thursday, January 29, 2009


This week I have been reason. It seems like life is passing me by and that my babies are growing too fast! I have found my patience level is at an all time low or maybe that my oldest baby is just testing the waters to see how far she can push me before my head explodes. I have been reading blogs that have babies that are sick, infertility struggles, etc. and I know that I have been taking my life for granted. It has humbled me to sneak a peak into some fellow bloggers lives and see their struggles. Their struggles make mine look ridiculous. It is so easy, or for me anyway, to get caught up in the whirlwind of everyday life and forget the little things. Little things like our health, that we have a roof over our head, and food in the cabinets. I am going to try to work on this and be content and grateful for all of my blessings. Sorry for rambling.....until next time.


Stephanie said...

It is easy to take what we have for granted but everybody's struggles are important to them. We've all been there.

The Family Bond said...

Isn't it funny how we know in our heads to be grateful and content but just don't always feel it in our heart. And that's ok, we are women and emotions are a big factor in our moods, feelings and thoughts. We all know that you are grateful for the blessings God has given you..and we all have moments of when we just don't feel good. And yes, there are days when my tank of patience is empty with not much hope of a refill anytime soon. And yes, 3 year olds can do that to you, that's their job and one they perform well! You are a great mother, wife, sister, friend and's ok not to feel perfect all the time! Thanks for sharing and being so honest and "real"with your thoughts, I truly appreciate it and it helps me to realize that I am not alone in these same feelings you share.

the williams said...

i totally get that..sometimes i feel sorry for myself and think "why me?" but then i read about someone who has lost their child and realize i have absolutely nothing to complain makes any problem i think i may have seem like absolutely nothing and reminds me just how lucky i am!

K Storm said...

Your feelings are important though. We should all cherish the things we have been given. I get sad when my kids are so big too. But then I am thankful that I have kids that I can watch grow too.

Oh, if you think your 3 year old is pushing the limits...wait until 8! The drama changes course.