Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sorry....Catch up time!

Happy Halloween! Bulldog cheerleader and cowboy!

Painting their pumpkins before Halloween.

This was taken in October! Great picture because I can never get them both smiling and hugging!

Happy 5oth Wedding Anniversary!

Family portrait at Anniversary dinner.

Sweet boy at Uncle Harold and Baba's anniversary dinner.

Thought this was hilarious....Mayes had a toy of McKinley's and he held it up so she couldn't get it while pretending to be asleep!!

Michael and I took a cruise to Cozumel at the end of August! Very relaxing.

McKinley showing us her "Green Heart" from the first day of school. Green Heart = Good Behavior.

Mayes walking out of "school" for the first time! He had his listening ears on!!!

McKinley after she got her ears pierced! She had to call everyone to tell them!

McKinley getting her teeth cleaned in July. The hygienist lets her wear Dora sunglasses so the light will not be bright in her eyes!

This was McKinley's annual birthday trip to Chuck E Cheese!

In April, McKinley and I went to see a 3D movie...."Just the girls!"
Mayes got a big boy bed in May!! He adjusted great!

We took a little trip to Ship Island at the end of June. LOTS of FUN! This is the only decent picture.....overlook the people in the back..

McKinley took swim lessons for the first time in July at the YMCA! She loved them! Although, she did not like to get her hair wet!!

These 2 pictures were taken in August! Michael thought it would be "fun" to put them in the tree.....I thought the lighting was good, here you go.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mayes' BoBo

Well, as some of you may know, Mayes fell not once, but twice last week. He first fell out of my van on Thursday. Well, that one wasn't that bad. The goose egg was pretty much gone by Friday morning. As luck would have it, we had to make a quick trip to Wal-Mart and he tripped over his own feet landing face first onto the floor. His forehead immediately got huge. When I say huge, I called the doctor in the parking lot huge! They did an xray that day which showed no fractures and sent us on our way. Well Saturday morning, he was even more swollen, so to the afterhours clinic we went. Dr. D was so nice. She was a "BIT" concerned. She sent him for a CT, which I should tell you-on a 2 year old- is not fun:( Thank goodness Michael was there. The CT scan was normal...Thank GOD! He really looks awful! That is not an understatement. I did not take him to church on Sunday for selfish reasons. I did not want to have to tell everyone the same story over and over........So he and I went to Sam's. I have never in my entire life felt so angry, helpless, protective at the looks and whispers we received. I got so angry at the end of my shopping trip that one poor lady received the brunt of my emotions. I feel somewhat bad for my behavior toward her, now. I am very hesistant to post a picture because I want to protect him and don't want anyone to talk about him. That is just my nature, hope that is not stupid.........

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mayes 2nd Birthday?!?!

Our "Baby" is 2!! I can hardly believe it?! Where did the time go? As you can tell, we had an ELMO themed party, because that is really the only thing he is into besides balls and cars! He had lots of fun.
This was after his 2nd cupcake!

The ELMO cupcakes were supposed to be an ELMO cake, but that is another story altogether.

The face of innocence.

We had been practicing blowing out candles. Every time we go to the kitchen, he LOVES to light up a candle and sing happy birthday and blow out the candle.

Family portrait......Notice McKinley's fake smile and Mayes hair! Poor thing--he needs a haircut, but I don't want to get it all chopped off. I don't know what to do with it!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Road Trip! LONG Blog

The kids and I had the opportunity to tag along with Michael last week to Smyrna, TN. He had a business trip and we took advantage of it!!! We left at 7 AM and the trip should have taken 6 hours, but took 9 hours due to road conditions. NOTE: Never, never travel in icy conditions unless it is an emergency! The kids did great! The whole trip was lots of fun! We got to see and do lots of stuff! The kids favorite thing, I think, was the indoor pool. Sorry NO pictures of the pool.
This sweet picture was caught on the way up there.

These were the icy roads that we got to travel on over half of the way! Traffic would only be moving in one lane in some spots because the other lane had about 3 inches of ice on it!

At the Discovery Center in Murphreesboro.

At the Aquarium (a resturant in Nashville).

On the way home!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


This week I have been reason. It seems like life is passing me by and that my babies are growing too fast! I have found my patience level is at an all time low or maybe that my oldest baby is just testing the waters to see how far she can push me before my head explodes. I have been reading blogs that have babies that are sick, infertility struggles, etc. and I know that I have been taking my life for granted. It has humbled me to sneak a peak into some fellow bloggers lives and see their struggles. Their struggles make mine look ridiculous. It is so easy, or for me anyway, to get caught up in the whirlwind of everyday life and forget the little things. Little things like our health, that we have a roof over our head, and food in the cabinets. I am going to try to work on this and be content and grateful for all of my blessings. Sorry for rambling.....until next time.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mayes' New Bed!

Well to say the least, we have had an exciting week! Mayes could not be out shined by the attention McKinley was getting.....So he had to climb and FALL out of his baby bed! We took the rail down that night and put up McKinley's old safety rail. The first night was a little rough because he could get out and kept coming out of his room. Mind you, as he was doing this, he was screaming uncontrollably! We finally turned on his lamp and I guess that did the trick, because he went right to sleep. Now, he gets up earlier because he can get out all by himself instead of screaming for MAMA!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Has McKinley found her calling?

Well it happened over the weekend... I knew that it was just a matter of time.... We were at Nana and Pop's....Unattended for just a few minutes.....and McKinley cuts her hair!!!! As Momma said, "It could have been much worse." She cut herself some bangs. She said her hair was in her face! Well, thank you, Mrs. Kelly for making a hair disaster turn out to be, cute.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

Happy New Year 2009!
Yes, it was freezing out there! The kids were SCARED of the fireworks that made a loud noise, so I did manage to get these 2 shots of them holding sparklers! Never fear, they were heavily supervised :-) The rest of the time, McKinley sat in the garage and watched and Mayes sat in my lap!

Christmas 2008

Christmas 2008
These are just a few pictures of the family making our rounds! We had a great Christmas! It went by so fast. This was McKinley's first Christmas where she really got "involved" in her wish list and the whole Santa thing! All she asked Santa for was a REAL baby and a dog with a doghouse. Needless to say, she didn't get what she asked for :( It was really cute! It did not take Mayes very long to figure out how to unwrap, he would tear into the presents! He got the blow up car with lots of balls in it. He opened most of his presents sitting right in the car!
Top picture: Christmas at Granny's---reading a book with Harper
2nd picture: Christmas at Nana and Pop's--I THINK she really loves him!
3rd picture: Mayes' car filled with balls
4th picture: McKinley's art table from Santa