Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mayes' BoBo

Well, as some of you may know, Mayes fell not once, but twice last week. He first fell out of my van on Thursday. Well, that one wasn't that bad. The goose egg was pretty much gone by Friday morning. As luck would have it, we had to make a quick trip to Wal-Mart and he tripped over his own feet landing face first onto the floor. His forehead immediately got huge. When I say huge, I called the doctor in the parking lot huge! They did an xray that day which showed no fractures and sent us on our way. Well Saturday morning, he was even more swollen, so to the afterhours clinic we went. Dr. D was so nice. She was a "BIT" concerned. She sent him for a CT, which I should tell you-on a 2 year old- is not fun:( Thank goodness Michael was there. The CT scan was normal...Thank GOD! He really looks awful! That is not an understatement. I did not take him to church on Sunday for selfish reasons. I did not want to have to tell everyone the same story over and over........So he and I went to Sam's. I have never in my entire life felt so angry, helpless, protective at the looks and whispers we received. I got so angry at the end of my shopping trip that one poor lady received the brunt of my emotions. I feel somewhat bad for my behavior toward her, now. I am very hesistant to post a picture because I want to protect him and don't want anyone to talk about him. That is just my nature, hope that is not stupid.........


Stephanie said...

OH, I am so sorry. I hope it gets to looking and feeling better real soon.
It's so sad that you feel like you can't go out in public, for being judged. I've been there.

Unknown said...

Girl you are not stupid. That is why we are mothers... to be protective and nurturing! You have every right to sheild him from the world. I am sorry that people treated you that way...however I must say I can't for the life of me see you get upset! You are so calm and easy going.. Love ya!

K Storm said...

A momma has to protect her baby! I can understand staying home and not wanting to tell the story over and over...I know that whole process for you must have been exhausting. But at least with your friends you know we love your family. With strangers it is just rude.